Whilst embarking on the journey of education and enlightenment, I ventured down the avenue of Education Technology . Even though the world has been forced to embrace the new norm of education, ED. Tech has equipped us with the artillery , not only to adapt but to succeed in this new norm with the use of different technological tools guided by the ISTE Standards for both teachers and students.
The International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) standards are solely focused on improved practice , teacher collaboration, and above all, the empowerment of student learners.
The seven roles for teachers under the ISTE standards include Learner, Leader, Citizen Collaborator, Designer, Facilitator and Analyst.
The ISTE standards are like a GPS and us teachers / emerging teachers are the vehicle , these standards guide us to our destination of becoming an effective educator by achieving our intended learning outcomes .
I have learnt so much during my short time in the course but it was bitter sweet because even though it was time consuming and most of the content seemed foreign to me it was extremely beneficial to my life, not just as a teacher because these modalities can be integrated in our daily lives to make the impossible become the regular.
For every obstacle education has encountered humanity always seem to find a way to hurdle it ; Education Technology is the way forward as my philosophy states “ Education is adaptable, Technology is inevitable and education technology is unavoidable. Education isn’t a choice in life because it is life itself”.
With that being said I must say a big thank you to my lecturer Mrs. Walsh who was the captain assigned to lead the 2c ship to a better tomorrow, she has inculcated the appropriate knowledge and attitudes in us to become great educators.